Sunday, January 06, 2013

Day... um... 6?

Day 6.  January 6th.  That's a weird coincidence! Oh, wait, no it isn't... It should probably be easy to remember what day of the year it is until February. Then things get tricky.  Imagine if it were a leap year!  It isn't it is?  Phew.

Today started at about 3 AM for me.  I'm suffering from a pretty bad sinus infection.  It basically feels like some kind of alien creature is trying to claw it's way out of my face.  So it was a long, sleepless night.  Nothing really helped the pain.

So, being wide awake at 6:30, I spent some quiet time downstairs before the kids woke up.   Very nice, all in all.  Just wish it wasn't because I was awake most of the night.

I was installed as co-chair of Trinity's stewardship committee today in church; an added bonus to a very nice service with communion.  But after church, I decided it was a good idea to hit an urgent care for some antibiotics    After the 30 minute wait quickly grew to an hour, and after I asked them to let a mother and her small, obviously miserable little boy in ahead of me,  the doctor quickly confirmed my diagnosis and sent me home with some antibiotics.

Poor Kathie had to manage the kids most of the day, with me going to church alone, spending 2 hours at the doctor and then taking a 2 hour nap to try and appease the face alien.  We have a lot to get done around the house, but I would have been mostly useless (more so than usual) anyway.  I popped up from my nap re-energized  got the kitchen clean, then proceed to get hit by another truck.  So, I'm going to head off to bead at the bright and early time of 8:00.

I've also been meaning to mention Braden's latest Lego creation.  The picture below is his rendition of the F-15 Eagle.  I'm pretty impressed.  He doesn't follow any directions for these.  And I'm fairly certain we don't actually have an F-15 model anywhere in the house, so he did this from memory of the way the F-15 looks.  For a 7 year old, I think it's pretty good.  He even has Sidewinder missiles and bomb pods underneath.  I really look forwarding to what he can do as he grows older.

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