Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dog Prep Continues

We went and hit 3 pet supply stores today looking for needed items and starting to figure out what food we’re going to (can afford) feed our new dog.  We’ll stick with Eukanuba Large Breed for at least one 40lb bag’s worth, as that’s what our breeder has been using.  We don’t want to introduce any more shock to her system on top of moving in our house with three kids and a cat.  But at some point we’ll probably switch to something a little better quality.  High quality food is important in a large breed dog to help promote solid joint, bone and muscle development during their very rapid growth.

We also picked up some bells to hang by the back door for training her to ring the bell when she needs to go out.  Braden picked out a chew toy that looks like a monkey and Emma chose a pink Kong.

All in all, we’re getting closer to being ready, but I think the big challenge will be getting the kids to understand that they need their toys picked up, or something is going to get eaten.  Of course, the same applies for my shoes and Kathie’s purse!

Breaking News

As I finished writing the latest Alex Updates blog post, I witnessed Alex climb two stairs to get by his brother and sister on the landing.  Then I saw him pull himself up to standing on the couch.  I attribute this rapid development to our upcoming consultation with Birth to Three.

2010-03-02 20.37.12

Alex Updates

Haven’t really said too much about how Alex is growing/developing lately, so here’s a quick update.  He’s growing and developing. :)

But seriously, his second tooth (bottom, left) has not poke through.  It looks like the top two are pretty close too, but who knows when they’ll poke through.  He’s still army crawling like a mad man, but has started getting up on his hands and knees.  He can also crawl up on top of a couch cushion if we put it on the floor. 

He loves to dance and any time you sing or play music he rocks back and forth like disco never went out of style.  His favorite past time these days is grabbing the cat and eating his tail.  Sterling seems to almost enjoy it, as he keeps coming by Alex, even after he gets his tail pulled.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Electrical or Plumbing Issue?

We have had some issues in the last few days with our cable TV.  I know how surprising to all of you that have Time Warner Cable like we do.  *cough*  I believe it’s an issue with our cable box, as it has rebooted and done some diagnostics a couple times plus the DVR service will occasionally tell us there’s no disk space left, when it definitely has room.

So, most of you are saying “So?”  I know… it’s not like it’s unusual for people to have issues with cable, especially with Time Warner and the cutting edge technology they use for their converters.  (Can you pick up on the huge amount of sarcasm there?)

Well, the reason I’m sharing this is so I can set the table for what Braden said that had me cracking up.  This morning the picture froze again and I hear Braden call from the kitchen table “The TV is clogged again.”  Clogged.   I love it.  Kathie wants to call TWC support and tell them it’s clogged.  I’m pretty sure they won’t find it funny though.

At least we have the cable box plugged into the TV, unlike someone else I know that has had issues lately.

Trains at the Domes

Another annual trip to the domes was a success.  The kids really enjoy the trains and plants.  Kathie really enjoys the warm weather.  I think she’d move into the tropical rain forest dome if they let her.

We’re not sure, but we think Alex forgot what it was like to be outside.  He really enjoyed sitting up in his stroller and looking around.  Emma probably would have enjoyed sitting in the stroller too, as most of the time she spent asking to be carried.  That’s going to have to change!  She even tried telling us that Alex wanted to get out of the stroller (so she could get in).  She’s a sneak that way.

After the domes we had a special treat for lunch.  We went to Friday’s Front Row at Miller Park.  Braden couldn’t quite figure out why we were going to Miller Park when we were supposed to be going to a restaurant.  He also had ribs for lunch, which he thought was fun, once he got over the fear of accidentally eating a bone.

All in all it was a pretty fun day!  Although that night was a bit tough, as I think both kids were over-tired after the Admirals the night before.



Friday, February 26, 2010

Admirals Game


Last night, Brett, Braden, Emma and I hit the Admirals game.  It was a great time!  I really appreciate Brett coming because it certainly made handling the two kids a little easier!

We got there for warm ups, which was nice.  But within 3 seconds of sitting down, Emma was asking for soda.  I managed to hold her off until Brett showed up so that I could run up and get french fries and soda for the kids.  Emma seems to be a bottomless pit at times… she at most of the fries and drank most of the soda.  She also had most of the nachos I got and some popcorn.

We didn’t get any pucks in warm-ups, but we did get two game pucks.  The first the linesman gave to me for the kids.  The second, the backup goalie gave to Emma.  That elicited a bunch of ‘Awwww’s from behind us.  Emma was very impressed with how cold the puck was.

2010-02-25 19.39.50 2010-02-25 19.43.49

Both kids did very well, especially considering we didn’t get home until 2 hours after bed time.  The “I love you, Dad!” at the end of the night really capped it all off for me.

Today we head to the Mitchell Park Domes for our annual visit to see the trains there.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dinner Conversation

I know sitting down as a family at the dinner table is supposed to be good for everyone and healthier too.  However, we seem to struggle with that concept in our household. 

Last night Braden ate his usual 3 bites of food and stated that he was done.  He even asked to be excused. But we told him no, asking him to just sit with us:

Us: “Just sit and enjoy the conversation for a while."

Braden: “But I don’t like conversation!  What’s conversation?

Us: It’s when we talk with other people about things like how your day went and what you’re up to.”

Braden: “I don’t like conversation!  And I’m not up to anything.”

After a while, we gave in and excused him from the ‘conversation.’  He proceeded to go into the living room and call back to us saying he was… yep, you guessed it… lonely. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Count Down to Puppygeddon!

Puppygeddon descends on us in 24 days.  I’m still not sure we know what we’re really getting ourselves into here.  But the odd thing is I’m very excited about it, even with the anxiety and knowledge of all the work this is going to take.

We haven’t received any more pictures from the breeder, which is driving Kathie (and me) a little nuts.  I almost feel like we’re stalking the breeder waiting for more pictures! 

We have a safe place setup in the kitchen, but still need to get some supplies:

  • Short leash and collar
  • Pee pads
  • Dog Dishes
  • Slip proof rugs for the hardwood floor
  • A good chew toy
  • Dog Food
  • More pee pads
  • Training tools, like shaker cans and some good treats
  • And the list goes on…

The plan is for Kathie and I to drive to Ohio on Friday, March 19th.  Hopefully we can leave fairly earlier and take our time getting there and enjoy a nice dinner out or something.  We’ll probably stay in Chillicothe, which I’m sure you know was the first capital of Ohio.   That’s the closest city to the breeder that has hotels, but it’s only about 10 miles form the breeder. That way we can get to the breeder fairly early and meet our new pup and still get on the road back home pretty early.  I think that’s important because it’s probably going to be a much longer trip back with potty breaks and potential cleaning of the car along the way. 

It’s about an 8 hour drive, so I hope to get home around 8 PM or so.  I’m sure the kids will have worn out Grandma and Grandpa by then, but I’m guessing they’ll still be up to meet the new addition to the family.

Are Any Kids Really Normal?

Are any kids really normal, or are our kids just all abnormal?  Braden has anxiety issues and was speech delayed.  Emma has asthma and has a significant issue with leaving toys in the bathtub while it’s draining.  And I mean screaming, panicking type issues.

Now Alex is going to see Birth-to-Three,  (Birth to Three?  Birth 2 Three? Birth 2 3?) because we’ve noticed that he only stands on his tip toes when trying to take steps.  It’s pretty severe: to the point where he’s curling his toes underneath and walking on the top of his foot.  Hopefully it’s just a phase, but he hasn’t started pulling himself up or cruising yet, so getting a consult on it will be at least reassuring.

I think society is a bit more concerned about slowly developing kids these days than it used to be.  I’m still on the fence whether that’s a good thing or not.  On one hand it can help catch issues earlier and get children help.  On the other hand, it tends to cause anxiety in parents more.  Then again, parents are generally more anxious these days anyway, so maybe that’s just a wash.

I’m still not sure whether this is a real issue with Alex or not, but I think it’s good that we’re consulting with them now.  I think it’s mostly an excitement thing where he gets really tense when he’s excited about taking steps, or standing next to the couch and he contracts his muscles, making him stand on his toes.  I stood him up in front of me and let him calm down a little and he was standing flat footed.  Plus he jumps in his exersaucer very well and doesn’t seem to stand on his toes there.  So, we’ll see. 

But, all things considered, I think we are extremely blessed as a family, regardless of our ‘minor’ issues.

Get Herpes for only $9.60

That’s right.  Why spend all that time and effort trying to get Herpes, or Chlamydia or the Clap, when all you need to do is go to and buy it for $9.60.

GIANT Microbes - Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus 2) Plush ToyGIANT Microbes - Flesh Eating (Streptococcus pyogenes) Plush Toy

I would advise skipping the Flesh Eating Bacteria though….

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Update

Oh, wait.. is that a copyright infringement?? Uh oh… I hope NBC doesn’t take away the Tonight Show from me!

We had a great time at Owen’s birthday party on Saturday.  I can’t believe he’s one already!  Of course, it’s probably easier for me to believe it than Kevin and Steph.  Then again, maybe they feel like it’s been a couple years? 

It was also great seeing the family, both ours and Steph’s.  I apologize to everyone for Alex’s yelling.  He really was happy, but apparently felt like he needed to get his word in during the party.  Kevin, can you move that couch forward about a foot so that the Boo Bears and Bunnies hit people directly in the head?  Thanks.

Sunday was a quiet day around the house, doing some things that needed done.  And by quiet, I mean Braden and Emma yelling and screaming and whining and Alex screaming because of his teething. 

Alex has been really struggling with the teething.  Well, at least that’s what we assume.  It looks like he has 3 more teeth ready to pop all at once and he just twinges every time you touch his gums. 

We also set up the dog area.  We’re going to put her in the dinette with her kennel and some gates to give her a puppy safe area.  We need to find a good slip proof rug to put down yet, but it looks like it’ll work out well.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clowning Around

Nothing really needs to be said about these pictures, except that Kathie and I laughed for about 15 minutes straight.

IMG_2300 IMG_2301

Four blogs in one week!?!

This must be a record!  Just dumping some thoughts, so bear with me on the rambling… 

Braden and Emma went to the Big Backyard yesterday for a play date with Braden’s friend Allison.  Sounds like they had a blast.  It’s a big indoor playground with huge slides and pedal cars and apparently helicopters.  I asked Braden if it was fun flying and of course he set me straight: “Dad!  They don’t really fly.”   Apparently they had a lot of fun.  Allison gave Braden a big hug and a kiss when they said goodbye.  Don’t worry, I think Braden is leaving his options open and won’t commit to a girlfriend quite yet. 

The play date also highlighted the fact that Kathie and I are…well… old. *cough*  Allison’s mom knew of Mark (who doesn’t, really?) and asked Kathie if she was related to a Mark Ehlke who went to MLC.  A Mark Ehlke that apparently was ‘quite a bit older than me.’  Great.  I just felt my arthritis start.

I brought home new pull ups for Emma yesterday.  I was excited because they had princesses on them and she LOVES princesses.  She was briefly excited about the princesses before she asked “Didn’t they have Tinkerbell?”  Um, no, Emma, they didn’t.  “But I like Tinkerbell!” Followed by some crying.  The ups and downs of being a father.

Kathie and I are both very excited about the dog.  The kids are very excited about the dog kennel we brought up stairs.  So far it has served as a tent, a jumping platform and a pretend washing machine.  I’m not sure they really understand the whole dog thing yet, and I’m not sure they will until we actually have a 16-20 lb puppy running around. Yep, Mastiffs are 16-20 lbs at 8 weeks. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Now that’s a growth chart!

This is take from a testimonial from a American Mastiff owner.  The dog is a male, but it gives an idea of how fast these dogs grow:

On Jan 13th-  22.7 pounds

On Feb 10th- 41.7 pounds

On Mar 10th- 62.6 pounds

On Apr 08th- 87.4 pounds

On May 21st- 123.7 pounds

Yep, that’s right… 101 lbs between 1/13 and 5/21.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Great Dog Adventure Begins

And I do mean GREAT.  We are adopting an American Mastiff.  The American Mastiff is a Mastiff breed that consists of both the English Mastiff and the Anatolian Mastiff.  The intent of the breed is to maintain the size, disposition and appearance of a Mastiff with fewer health problems and less drooling.

There are currently only 10 breeders, so it’s a bit of a rare breed.  That also means we have to make a trip to get our dog.  We learned tonight that a breeder in Ohio will have a dog available for us, ready to pickup March 19th. 

We’re getting a female with Fawn coloring.  Females are typically 28 to 34 inches and weigh a svelte 140 to 180 pounds.  This litters mother is two years old, 30 inches at the shoulder and weighs 145.  The father is only 18 months, but stands at 35 inches and 185 pounds.  

Mastiff’s are well known for their calm disposition and being great family dogs, especially with children.  A friend of ours brought their bullmastiff to visit us and we were just amazed at how calm she was and how good she was with the kids.

We’re very excited and can’t wait to begin this adventure. 

Dad - Tocho Mom - Suvalie and Pups (1 Week)Pups - Week 2 Pups - Week 3

Some more info about the breed:

American Mastiff Breeders Council

Sycamore Creek - Our Breeder

Flying W - The original breeder and some great testimonials

Still here…

Yep, I’m still blogging.  Impressed, aren’t you?  Yeah, me neither.

Haven’t posted a lot of ‘Bradenisms’ lately, so here’s your fix.  Grandpa got Braden hooked on Scooby Doo and now it’s a staple in our house.  He tries to figure out who the villain is (Braden, not Grandpa… Grandpa just looks for puns and wise cracks).  Last week we were watching a ‘new’ episode and Braden said “Dad, I’m the smartest person in this family and I think that she’s the bad guy.”  And while you might argue the smartest person in the family might not call a woman a bad guy, Braden stuck to his guns.

Emma has her own version of the Bradenism.  Emmaism?  Nah, that’s not quite right.  Anyway, she has recently started using the phrase “Watch this!” quite often.  And by quite often, I mean approximately 237 times every 2 minutes.  It is also often followed by the phrase “Ow!”, but that’s not really the point here.  Braden used to do the same thing, but you could usually just get passed it by saying “Ok” or “wow” without having to really look.  With Emma you kind of have to give her your attention for two reasons:  Quite often she’s doing something like climbing the TV or the outside of the banister or shaving the cat.  Ok, shaving the cat hasn’t happened, but you get the point.  The other reason… she calls you on it.  Yep:

Emma: “Daddy, watch this!  Daddy, watch this!  Are you wachin’?”

Daddy: “Yep, I’m watching” (as I’m still reading the paper)

Emma: “No you’re not!  Daddy, watch this!  Are you watchin’?”

Daddy:  “Ok, I’m watching.”

Emma (or Braden or the cat): “Ouch!”

Fun stuff.  Tiring, but fun.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Catching Up

All excuses aside, I’m just not that good at keeping journals or blogs.  I see others constantly journaling their lives and I think “How cool is that!”  And yet, I struggle to set aside time to jot down my thoughts or share the events that make my life the blessing that I believe it is. 

But, yet again, I find myself at the keyboard under the guise of another valiant attempt at making this whole blog thing work.  So, all feelings of déjà vu aside, here we go again.

This latest foray into the blogosphere finds Braden almost 5.  In fact, he’s looking forward to ‘being number 5’.  He keeps asking when Easter is, not because of his strong belief and joy at our Savior’s resurrection, but because he knows his birthday is after Easter. 

Emma turned 3 in January and we’re still trying to figure out where that time has gone.  She is really blossoming into a smart, fun and strong-willed young girl.  She’s now attending day care three mornings a week and loves it.  Somewhere along the way she’s learned to count to 25 and knows all the letters.  She also loves to sing and dance and is quickly developing an interest in dolls, princesses and fairies. 

Alex is almost 10 months now.  His development has been amazing to watch, from arriving 5 weeks early, spending 10 days in the NICU to chasing him around the house as he does laps with his army crawl.  He’s definitely going to be the eater of the bunch, as we can’t quite shovel food into his mouth fast enough.

I won’t pretend that the above even comes close to capturing the news that I’ve missed over the last months.  But I hope it does catch us up a little. 

The last couple weeks has been a time of decisions for our family.  The first major decision was to hold Braden back in preschool for one more year.  His teacher and we both feel that he’s just not quite ready and that another year of preschool would be good for his development.  It was a decision that we really struggled with, but are confident that it’s the right one. 

He also under went some evaluations with the Children’s hospital childhood development group to help understand some of the anxiety and other issues we’ve seen with his development.  Oddly enough, they have suggested that he has anxiety issues with a potential diagnosis of Non-Verbal Learning Disorder.  I won’t pretend to be able to related what that really means, but we know the symptoms are very much inline with what we’ve been seeing.  We are going to start some therapy with Braden and a counselor to help both him and us deal with some of his anxiety and work through it together.  I’m anxious to get started (no pun intended) and help him blossom into the fun, smart, intelligent boy that I know he is.

Emma will start preschool next year, going two days a week.  We were thinking that maybe she could go four days a week with her brother, but decided that two days was a good start; especially if she can go to music or tumbling classes on the other days.  And yes, you saw that right, she and Braden will be in the same class.  That will make for an interesting dynamic.  I hope their teachers know what they are in for!

The other big decision was to get a dog.  Yes… we are crazy.  A few people have not been shy about sharing that impression with us, but we really believe now is the best time.  A new dog will grow up with the kids and be an integral part of our family.  We also believe a dog can provide a lot of value in a therapeutic nature and help Braden overcome some of his anxiety.  And while a dog will add more chaos to our already hectic world with three kids, we think that it’ll be a great family activity raising, training and loving a new addition to the family. 

But the real reason some people are saying we’re crazy is that we chose to adopt an American Mastiff.  We considered a Labradoodle, especially for it’s hypo-allergenic qualities, but decided that it would probably be a little more hyper than what we’d like.  Plus we have had Emma around a bullmastiff and she showed no ill affects due to allergies.   We believe a Mastiff will be the perfect fit for our family: they’re loving, affectionate and calm protectors of family members.  They are truly gentle giants.  And yes, they take up a little more space than a typical dog, being between 140 and 200 lbs.   We are just very impressed with the dog we’ve met and the testimonials we’ve seen about Mastiffs.  We’ve applied with a couple of breeders of American Mastiffs (they’re somewhat rare) and are waiting, as patiently as we can, to hear back from them on availability.

Well, that’s enough catching up for now… it’s exhausting cramming months of stuff into one blog.  Plus I have a crummy cold, so should get some rest.  I’ll see you all in another 6 months.  No, I promise to try even harder to be more faithful to my journal here… not for you necessarily, but mostly for my own benefit.  When I do get started on it, I do really enjoy journaling like this.