Thursday, August 31, 2006


Well, I saw my doctor yesterday. He gave me trazodone to help me get to sleep. And it does work well... at least until Braden wakes up screaming at 1:30 AM.

We're really not sure what to do about this. It's almost a nightly occurrence. We think it's probably something similar to night terrors. He doesn't want a bottle or to be held. Usually we can lay him on the floor and he'll calm down right away. Sometimes he'll just scream himself back to sleep (how bad does that sound?) but usually we need to do something.

We're thinking about moving him up to a toddler bed at this point. That way he can get out of bed himself and lie on the floor. But we're nervous about what he'll do then and whether he'll go to sleep when we put him down for naps and bedtime.

This next kid better sleep better!

I get to golf at the Irish Course at Whistling Straits Sunday! I can't wait! And of course it's supposed to rain. Oh well, at least it's not supposed to snow like the last time I was there. Now I just have to find some time to get to the driving range, since I've only played twice this year.

Oh, and I give platelets today. Please donate blood... they really need it. And no, I'm not talking about hockey.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


No, we haven't had another ultra sound yet. But Kathie found out last night that GE Medical is looking for pregnant mothers to help them test their new 3D and 4D ultra sound machines.

We're looking into getting into the program so we can get a free ultra sound. It sounds pretty cool; you even get a DVD of the ultra sound.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pictures Galore!

When my company's CEO announced a year ago that we were going to a business casual dress code, he made it a point to state that "We aren't google." I think he was trying to make a point that they are a different type of business and can get away with casual dress. Then again, their stock is now over $340 and we still aren't public.

Anyway, I digress. The reason I bring up google is that I think Google is awesome... even if they dress like slobs!

They let me do things like a Picasa web gallery with a ton of our family pictures.

Take a look: Ehlke Family Photos

Latest News

Hi all. Let's start this whole blogging experiment off with the latest news from the Ehlke family... that's the Scott/Kathie Ehlke family, in case you were confused.

As some of you may know, Kathie is pregnant! Our due date is around the end of January and we're very excited at the new addition. We don't know the sex yet, but we do know there's only one in there! (Phew!) Kathie has had a bit of a rough time with this one. She'll tell you that's a major understatement and it probably is. She's been very nauseous and had some stomach pains. But it looks like this week marked the end of that, so we're both looking forward to the rest of the pregnancy.

Braden is growing up very fast. He turned 16 months on Sept. 12th. He loves to walk everywhere, but he's still not talking; But he can imitate dogs, cats, planes and cars excellently. He plays mean games of peek a boo, ring around the Mommy and jump on Daddy. He also LOVES his train Toots.

We have received some bad news in regards to his health though. Braden has neutropenia. We believe and pray that he has a minor form of this that will go away on its own. Neutropenia is a disorder where his body does not have enough neutraphils, which are a part of his white blood cells that fight off bacterial infections. The good news is that he has had almost no bacterial infections, so the doctors don't think it's something to be too worried about. But we will have to have blood tests every three months to check and if he runs a fever it means a fast trip to the urgent care center.

We also bought a new Toyota Sienna mini-van this month. It's much more convenient than the Blazer was for hauling Braden around!

And to try and get in shape, we joined Westwood health club. Kathie has been going at least a couple times a week and I've been trying to get there 4-5 times. Braden really enjoys the child care they have there and is usually a bit disappointed when he has to leave.

Scott's hockey starts up again in a couple weeks and he is going to golf twice next week! Yeah!

We're going to try and get some landscaping done around the house before frost and start looking at installing some wood/laminate floors in the kitchen and dining room. We've been seriously considering moving to a larger house, but at this time we just can't swing a house that we'd really love, so we feel it's better to wait a little while.