Monday, August 10, 2009

Um… Hi. Remember me?

Let’s see… Alex is now 3 1/2 months old and I suppose it’s about time I posted something.

He’s doing great!  He’s really such a good baby we’re very lucky.  He hardly cries, although lately he’s been getting a bit more vocal about his needs.  If he is crying, he’ll calm down immediately when  we pick him up.  He has slept through the night a few times now.  Tonight he actually laughed for the first time.  A real full belly laugh for about 30 seconds.  The odd thing is that he was fast asleep when he did it.  He was making cooing noises in his sleep and I laughed at it.  He must have heard me and just start laughing away.  He’s also able to sit in his exersaucer now… well, with a blanket to help hold him up.  Kathie thinks he’s growing up too fast… and he probably is.  But it’s kind of hard to stop.

Braden is enjoying the summer.  He loves playing outside!  He’s so tan I hardly recognize him as my kid!  He loves riding his bike (with training wheels) and doing yard work.  He likes digging up our mulch and moving it to other spots.  I think if I had mulch delivered, he’d probably get it all in place for me.  It might take 2-3 weeks, but he’d probably do it all.

Emma loves being outside too.  She like riding her tricycle and her scooter, even if she doesn’t like wearing the helmet she’s supposed to wear when riding it. 

We’re all a little sad that our good neighbors the Pines moved to Houston.  Braden really misses ‘the boys’, but we’ve all adjusted.  The kids like playing with Ryan and Riley next door.

We bought a new car.  Thanks everyone for your help with that via the taxes you pay.  Yep, we turned in the Blazer on the Cash for Clunkers program and bought a 2009 Camry Hybrid.  Good thing too, because the Blazer was on it’s last legs.  The check engine light even came on when I was driving to the dealer.  It’s very nice having a nice car to drive to work.  The blazer was a good vehicle for a long time for me, but the doors were starting… fall off, the air conditioning didn’t work, the heater was sporadic, the CD player hasn’t worked for years, the catalytic converter was pretty much shot, and someone broke the lever to recline the driver’s seat… with the seat in a slightly inclined position.  (Don’t worry Dad, I won’t tell who it was).  So, needless to say, I’m really enjoying the Camry!