Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Day 1 - 2013

I told myself, as I counted down the final moments of 2012 with Braden and Emma, that I should really write a journal / blog post once a day throughout 2013.  I've heard all the reasons for tracking your thoughts throughout the year.  I also know how cool it would be to look back over the year and remember all those events, be they mundane, exciting, wonderful or terrifying.  

So here I sit at 11:00 on Day 1 of 2013, typing away on my first entry in the journey of the new year.  This is a post  that can lead to 365 other posts extolling the year ahead.  It's also a post that could be an empty promise.  Only time, and my will power, will really tell.

I also struggle a bit with this type of journal.  I want to be able to share my thoughts, feelings, memories and goings on with my friends and family.  I'm also open to sharing them with perfect strangers who may find wisdom, ideas, entertainment or, most likely, humor in what I have to say from day to day.

I also realize that some of my thoughts need to be private.  Not because they are perverted, weird, politically incorrect, etc... but because there are events in my life that I need to keep private for one reason or another. So, how do I completely journal about my life in a way that I can share with others, but still also log my own thoughts that need to remain private?  I'm not sure I have the answer to that.... but for now, we'll just go with it.  It is only Day 1, after all.

For example, I've spent most of my time off of work around the holidays pondering my future and career decisions.  A week from yesterday will mark a different kind of Day 1, as my company will execute on all the integration actions involved in our merger.  This will be an exciting day, a terrifying day, a sad day and a hard day.  Those that will not be moving on with the new company will be missed.  We'll wish them good luck as they move on while we silently thank God that we are not looking for new opportunities in a hard time.  For some it'll mean new opportunities with new companies.   For others, it'll mean new opportunities in the newly merged company.  Others still may find themselves in roles they aren't happy doing.  Like I said, it'll be a hard day, no matter where you fall.

And here I find myself skirting some of those private thoughts.  I have decisions ahead of me that can lead to some great new opportunities.  I'm excited.  I'm scared.  I can't wait to get started, yet don't know quite where or how to start.  I look forward to the next year knowing that I'll have one of my biggest challenges ahead of me.  I'm confident that it'll be rewarding and full-filling.  And I'm confident that I will tackle this challenge with everything I have to offer.  I welcome the challenges that 2013 brings me.  And with God and my family by my side, I know I will succeed.

I've said as much as I probably can at this point.  I should also be getting to bed soon.  Emma, Braden and I rang in the New Year together, so I'm a bit tired.  They didn't quite understand the concept of the new year, but they were thrilled to stay up until midnight!  Emma kept asking "But why does the ball have to drop?"  I failed to explain it in a way a 5 year old was able to grasp.  I don't think Braden questioned it because he was just happy to be up.  It was a fun night of bonding over a movie (Ice Age 3) and Xbox.  For the record, Braden and Emma BOTH cheat at Kinect Sports Volleyball.  That and the ceiling's too low in our basement for me to jump and spike.  Ow.  

So, Day 1.  2013.  I like it.  Writing has a way of centering me that feels good.  I think I'll try this again tomorrow.  And the day after.  We'll see about the rest of the 365 days after that.  One step at a time, as they say.  So, before this post bleeds into Day 2 of 2013, I'll get my butt off to bed.

Happy New Year.
God's blessings.
Happy Day 1.

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