Monday, November 12, 2007

Ten Months

Emma is 10 months old today! Wow!

She has started to imitate and respond to prompts from us. The other night Kathie took her out of the bathroom after bath time and I said "Bye Bye Emma" and she started waving and said something that sounded suspiciously like "Bye Bye". If I fake sneeze for her, she'll make a 'choo' sound... well, it's really more like "Shhh", but she does it in response to us.

Braden has a bad ear infection. He had a fever of 103 last night and was very uncomfortable. I think he had his first experience with aches, as he complained a lot when you moved his arms or picked him up. Hopefully the medicine will start working quickly.

We're looking forward to having our family here for Thanksgiving! Even if we're a little stressed out about getting everything done.