Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 9.5 - Yes... I'm late

I missed day 9.  I admit it freely.  But I'll still write about the day to maintain the chain of events.

It wasn't a terribly eventful day.  I ran a couple errand to get ready for Emma's birthday today.  She wants crab for her birthday dinner.  We'll see how that goes.  Braden wanted crab too, but then decided he didn't like it anymore.  Emma picked up on that and didn't eat much either, so Kathie and I had to eat  a ton of crab.  I know, it's a tough job being a parent some times!

I also brought home a dozen roses for Emma.  She loved them.  She was walking around the house hugging them!  She helped Kathie put them in the vase and they're proudly displayed in her room.  I also got a big cookie for her to bring as her snack.  That started an argument with Alex.  He's sure it's a cake.  "Daddy, that's a big cake!"  "Well, it's really a cookie."  "No, it's a cake!"  "See, look... it's a cookie".  "Oh, it's a cookie cake!"

Work is still hectic. Things are starting to shake out of the transition period.  It's a bit frustrating, but I'm trying to focus on the opportunity that's in front of me.

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