Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Baby Girl Ehlke

We had a 4D ultrasound today at GE Medical. So, without further ado, please say hello to Baby Girl Ehlke.

Click for more pictures.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Little Shopper.

We went grocery shopping while in Algoma. Since we were only picking up a few things, we let Braden take his own shopping cart... a child sized one. He was on a mission! He would not let us help him steer, even though it kept veering to the right. And then he started shopping.

First item on his list was Turkey Bacon. He very seriously went to the shelf, picked out a package of bacon, then placed it in his cart. At that point we figured he'd just start tossing in everything in sight. But no... he was very selective. He went down a couple of aisles and picked out some wheat bread. Followed by some crackers, some cereal and a few other choice items. The jug of orange juice was a bit heavy for him though and he wouldn't let us help him, so he left that. If we tried to help him steer the cart, he'd shove our hand off the handle.

He was so intent on shopping and doing it himself it was just hilarious!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another first...

I think we set a record tonight. A record for shortest time for a trip to the ER. The fall happened at 8:15, and we were back home by 9:45.

Braden was wrestling with Dad on the bed tonight and fell off. To make matters worse, Dad tried catching him and only managed to spin him around so he smashed his face on the corner of the nightstand.

He is ok, but he cut his cheek just below his right eye, right on the top of the cheek bone. It obviously needed stitches, as it was a pretty good gash an inch long and it just kept bleeding. So off we went to the ER. By the time we got in the car for the trip, he was already smiling, so we know it wasn't too bad.... or he's really tough.

Braden was very brave! They ended up strapping him to a papoose board and putting in three stitches. He cried through that, but did much better than I thought he would!

But boy is he going to have a shiner! Pictures to follow.

No, Mark, we didn't ask him what he hit... he can't talk yet.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Braden's new trick is shaking his head no and nodding his head yes. It's very cute. You ask him if he wants something or if he can do something and he lets you know! Maybe he'll start saying no soon!

Monday, October 23, 2006

I give up on catchy titles.

Holy cow, the Packers won! And the Bears didn't! Yeah, the Bears didn't play, but I figure that's the only way they're not going to win right now.

Braden sat through a whole church service yesterday! He was very good! Either that or we're just getting better at distracting him. He was even singing. That's something knew. I told him that we were going to sing now and he started going "la, la, la".

Monday, October 16, 2006

Pumpkin Head

Braden thinks pumpkin guts make a nice hat!

He had a lot of fun helping carve pumpkins.

He also had a lot of fun eating them.

Thanks Brett and Lori for bringing the pumpkins! We had a blast!

Another rainy Monday...

Yes, I've been lazy with the blog. But that's ok... the only person that really reads it (my mom) has been on vacation and couldn't read it anyway :)

So, Thursday & Friday were rough days for Braden. On Thursday he developed an infection in his thumb due to finger nail clipping. Since his neutropenia means he will probably have a hard time fighting off bacterial infections, we decided to take him to the doctor to get it looked at. We also decided to have his 18 month checkup at the same time.

He jumped up to the 75th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight! Yeah! And everything else looks great... even if he SHOULD be talking by now. They sent us home with some antibiotics for his thumb.

Friday morning he woke up with a 99.9 degree fever. Which, of course, could have been caused by his infection or the 4 immunizations that we gave him. In retrospect, we should have waited on the shots so we knew which caused the fever. Oh well, lesson learned. We called Children's Hospital and they had us come in for blood tests to make sure he was fighting the infection and didn't need a booster shot for his neutropenia . After waiting a couple hours, the blood work came back and his neutrophils were at 1,890. His base line has been around 300-400. So this is great news... it means his body does indeed mount an attack if there is an infection. We still have to get some baseline numbers to see how he's doing, but it certainly alleviates some of the worries when he does have an infection!

But the poor guy had a rough couple days... 4 shots and a blood draw.

Uncle Brett and (soon-to-be) Aunt Lori came over on Saturday and brought pumpkins! Wow that was fun. I'll write more about that when I've got the pictures and video uploaded.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday update

Exciting title, eh?

So, we got all the mulch in this weekend and we're pretty much done landscaping! Yeah! No, I don't have pictures Sonja.

The Packers and the Admirals really, really, really stink. Admirals lose 7-1 and looked like they thought preseason went on for another month. The Packers should have won but 3 dropped interceptions and a last minute fumble kills them. That game was important as I think it was the difference between a 2-14 season and a 1-15 season.

It was great to see Kay and Stess at the Admirals game Saturday! I don't get to see them nearly enough with as busy as we and they are.

Braden has a cold and is just miserable. Well, miserable for him. He still manages to laugh and play and be generally fun, but he also has times where he just needs to rest and cuddle with his mom. Mom likes that because it's unusual for him to sit still long enough to cuddle.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The mulch comes today! Yipee! 7 yards worth. Sonya, we'll post pictures after it's in. :)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rain, rain...

Yes, I'm sick of all the rain.

So, what's new? Not a lot.

I got the results from my blood work and my cholesterol is better than it was with my last test. Still not 'perfect', but better. Doc says to just keep exercising and watching my diet and I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Braden is finally starting to talk. We think. He says dad and mom and tries to say things like jump, down, and a few others. Problem is he doesn't do it very consistently. But at least he is starting to try and use words.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Best Toy Ever!

Guess what!? The Packers didn't lose this weekend ;) Ok, it's only because they play tonight, but still!

We found the best toy ever for Braden. We got him a Hot Wheels/ Matchbox style car garage that has 4 levels and ramps between them. He loves it. He has spent almost every waking moment since we gave it to him sending those cars down the ramps. I hope this doesn't mean he'll chose to be a Parking Lot Attendant when he grows up!