Friday, January 04, 2013

Day 3 - And a Half

First.... let me just say I had this post written yesterday! On Day Three!  But I didn't publish it before I went to bed.  Argh!  I've already blown my post a day commitment.  But I hope everyone gives me a pass on this just once.  Or twice.  Or however many times I do this.

Day 3... Seven days until Emma's 6th birthday.  Well, actually her 7th birthday.  But she turns Six.  She's pretty excited about her birthday and turning 6, even though it means we're making her keep her Boo Bunny and blanket upstairs in her room.   That's a big step for her, since she's been pretty inseparable from them.  We're also planning a small party for family and one or two of her friends.  She doesn't want to invite the whole class.  We think it's because she wants to spend time with her favorite friends.  I also think it's because she's just a bit shy.  This was a problem with her last party, but since it was at Salto's, it was a bit easier to invite everyone.

I've managed to stay out of the political arena on this blog for a whole two days!  But I'm a bit frustrated about this whole fiscal cliff thing and how it affects me.  Apparently I'm one of the rich... I wish someone had told me;  I'd have been celebrating instead of trying to make ends meet.  Somewhere in the whole fiscal cliff discussion, the expiration of the payroll tax cuts seems to have been forgotten by the mainstream media and the politicians.  That alone will increase my taxes by over $2,000.  Really looking forward to that!

It was also the monthly Culver's night for church.  I get a kick out of Culver's night.  Basically it's a night when one of the local restaurants donate 10% of their proceeds to our school.  It's funny because when you go into the Culver's, it's like a church meeting.  You see almost everyone from your kids' classes, teachers and pastors.

Kathie attended a meeting with the Waukesha School District's speech pathologist/coordinator today to go over Alex's test results.  He was evaluated for inclusion in their speech programs.  He tested at a moderately delayed level.  It's interesting because what they sent home with Kathie was a lot of information about yelling and speaking loudly and how it affects your vocal chords and speech development.  We, of course, are using that as leverage to help get Braden and Emma to be more quiet. After all, it's their job as big brother and sister to help Alex learn to be more quiet.  Emma, in particular, will have some work to do to cut down on the screaming and yelling.

I saw this article: iPhone Rules for Kids on Gizmodo today.  There's a great list of rules that parents should give their kids if they have smart phones.  It's a well thought out list that details why the rule is important.  We're a ways away from using it, but I really liked some of the thoughts in it.  But what really shocked me was the absurdity of some of the comments left on the article.  It sure seems like we've already fallen off a cliff where a whole generation of people don't understand the importance of interpersonal communication.  Easy for someone writing a blog to say, isn't it?

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