Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bradenisms / Emmaisms

Ok, so Emmaisms isn’t quite as catchy as Bradenisms.

Dad: “You could have blueberries on your waffle.”

Emma: “Yuck!  Silly Daddy”


Braden asks to go watch TV upstairs by himself.

Dad: “You need some alone time?”

Braden: “yeah”

Emma goes up by him and Braden comes out to tell us: “I’m having alone time with someone!”


Braden’s t-ball coach calls him “Rabbit”, trying to encourage him to run fast.  Braden: “I’m not a rabbit!  I’m a boy.”

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Where have you all been????

Where have all you faithful readers been?  It’s been forever since you’ve been here reading my blogs.  Err.. I mean, it's been forever since I’ve blogged.  My bad.

One of the reasons I don’t blog more often is I try and wait until I have pictures uploaded to make the blogs more interesting.  So, it’s not that I’m lazy and don’t blog.  It’s that I’m lazy and don’t upload pictures.  Actually, it’s even more complicated than that because I also want to try and get videos uploaded to add content to the blog too.  And that’s more complicated than the pictures.  Ok… I know… what a lame excuse.

So, let’s see, what has happened since my last blog.  when was that anyway?  Alex is now 9 weeks old.  Which, from a developmental standpoint makes him 4 weeks old.  Or is that 2 weeks in dog years?  Anyway… he has doubled in weight!  He’s grown 5 inches.  And he’s doing great.  He’s really a pretty good baby and rolls with whatever we throw at him.  He does really well in his car seat when we go places.  He has had some issues with what we think is a milk allergy.  Emma had the same thing.  I won’t go into the details, but he’s quite often pretty uncomfortable and has some gas issues. But he tends to let us calm him down pretty easily. 

Braden and Emma have been great siblings.  Braden especially.  He really loves Alex and at least a couple of times a day he stops to just admire Alex.  Emma has her phases.  One minute she wants to help us feed Alex. The next minute she’s throwing a tantrum because we can’t cuddle with her.  She’s been acting up a little and we think it’s because she’s a little jealous.  But she also has her very, very sweet moments.

Braden started t-ball and soccer. Wow.  That’s an experience.  He seems to be having fun  It’s certainly adds a little chaos to our schedules with t-ball twice a week and soccer once.   We also got Braden a big boy bike (with training wheels).  Boy is he getting good at riding that!  This spring he couldn’t even pedal his tricycle!

Both kids have been having a blast playing with the neighbor kids.  Braden really likes playing with Ryan next door and Tyler from down the block.  We just wish Tyler had a little more supervision as his parents are never out with him… kind of bad for a three year old, in our opinion.

Braden also started speech and his teacher commented on how funny Braden is.  She also said he has quite an advanced vocabulary for his age.  Must be all the PBS TV we let him watch :)

We are considering getting a dog.  We even applied for a few adoptions online.  But we were either turned down (we’re not sure why) or the dogs had already been adopted.  We’re kind of thinking about a Great Dane or Mastiff mix.  We want it to be a mix so it might not be as large as normal Danes or Mastiffs.  And we want the Great Dane or Mastiff breed because they’re great family dogs that have a little less energy than say… a Lab.  But, of course, at her last allergist appointment,  we found out Emma is allergic to dogs.  It’s very dog/breed specific, so we may still be able to get a dog, but we need to figure out how allergic she is and get her exposed to some dogs to fine out what breads are good.  Braden is very excited about the possibility of a dog, especially since we' told them dogs we’re looking at are like Scooby Doo.   I’m not so sure he’ll be so happy if we actually get a dog because he’s still pretty nervous around dogs.  But we hope a dog would be a good experience for him and help him gain confidence.  Plus I LOVE dogs.

That’s all for now.  I’m sure I forgot a bunch of stuff.  I know I’ve left out a lot of ‘Bradenisms’.  I’ll try and do better and keep this up to date more frequently.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Good weekend

Great weather this weekend and good times.  No, not the big parties or exciting events some people might focus on, but a great weekend in my books.

Today we had a great picnic in the park.  Braden is really starting to become an accomplished tag player. Emma can climb playground equipment like no one else.  And Alex thinks napping outside is divine. 

We decided to stop having Braden take naps this weekend.  So far he’s doing very well with it.  He does seem to relax and calm down a little while Emma is napping, so that probably helps.  But so far he’s done pretty well and an earlier bed time seems to be working out well too.

Alex is doing great!  He’s eating like a champ and is growing very quickly.  He’ll sleep somewhere between 5 minutes and 3 hours at a time.  Although right now he’s going on 3.5 hours… SHHHHH…. Alex… go back to sleep.  Well, time to go get a bottle!  Good night!